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Better Wellington began in 2022 by a group of friends determined to ensure that the next raft of councillors elected to represent Wellington residents and ratepayers will act in the best interests of the city. We don’t believe that presently every councillor respects that principle.

Better Wellington has since grown to include thousands of Wellington residents, all of whom share the same goals and objectives. Not everyone who has signed up in support of the goals of Better Wellington want their names on this page.

Collectively, we sit nowhere in the political spectrum. We opposed the sale of the Wellington Airport shares while at the same time want the political ideology removed from the decision-making. We are neither Left nor Right. We consider ourselves Pro-Wellington. Our supporters have voted across the political divide, but we all agree that party politics must play no role in the future governance of Wellington City. We believe that Wellington City is best served by councillors who are elected independent of any political party.

Check out our full policy position on our Vote Smart page.

Paul Heffernan

I have lived my whole life in Wellington – 33 years in the Hutt Valley and 33 years in Wellington City. My wife and I raised our 5 children here during my 42 years in the IT industry. Wellington was a vibrant, exciting city and I was proud to call it home. Now I am concerned for the future of the city. I want to see an end to political parties and their ideologies around the council table and being pushed down our throats. It is the local people who have a real, vested interest in our city who should be standing and voted onto council, to make our city better. Our city needs revitalising and that doesn’t happen when councillors bicker, are self-indulgent, righteous and have no empathy with the ratepayers who fund the council’s work. We need people who want the council to do what it’s supposed to do – provide affordable and reliable services that keep the city going, not people who are more concerned with their political beliefs. I’m proud to be a founding member of Better Wellington, and urge you to support us, come on board to help take back our city.

Alistair Boyce

I am a Product of Wellington. I was formed in this city and it shaped me. Most people know me as the publican, proprietor and chef of the famous Backbencher Pub. I am the guy who has satirized politicians since 1990. You can still find me there these ‘daze’, or I am roasting coffee at The Immigrant’s Son Espresso, Ngaio Gorge. Over recent years I have watched and provided commentary to the battle between the Wellington retail and hospitality sectors and its aberrant council that has got increasingly out of touch with the heart of the city. Many of us have opposed the dangers of ideology capturing the necessary operations that underpins  a vibrant, growing and economically viable city. For the city to be dynamic in all its social and cultural facets it needs fiscal responsibility and a strong local economy at its core. The city has to be allowed to breathe not be strangled with unnecessary cycleways, red tape and excessive rates. ‘Fix the pipes’ and let the private sector drive growth. Give us the infrastructure and the people will decide and they might even come back to our dying city. Please do not tell us how to live our lives and let us keep the oxygen of our endeavours’. Wellington deserves a better quality of leadership and civic management. I am a strong supporter of ‘Better Wellington’ as a vehicle to facilitate a better future for our city and children.

Glenn Inwood

I’ve lived in Wellington for almost 30 years, having moved to the capital city to work as a senior sub-editor at the now-defunct Evening Post newspaper before establishing a public relations company. My wife and I own companies that are involved in exporting goods and services and I am a board member of the New Zealand Taiwan Business Council, facilitating Kiwi companies’ access into the Taiwanese market. Our children were born here and call this city home. But the path to home-ownership for them is out of their reach despite the bearish house prices and not least the compounding increase in the cost of council rates demands. Like many Wellington residents, I question the ideological approach of the city council’s town planners, and feel we are heading down a track that is leading to poor outcomes for our important retail and business sector.  Time for a Better Wellington!

Nicola Cranfield

I’m the co-owner of Cranfields, the boutique store renowned for its unique collection of homewares, gifts, and accessories, in the central business district. I make a point of dedicating my support to artisans both locally and internationally and I like my store to reflect my commitment to ethical sourcing and sustainable business practices. I’ve encountered challenges with the Wellington City Council, particularly its bureaucracy and decision-making processes, which hinder small-business growth. Small businesses are the backbone of this country’s economy. Most Kiwi businesses are SMEs. That’s why I’ve been outspoken on issues to protect the retail sector, like concerns over the “Let’s Get Wellington Moving”, specifically the plan to remove car parks and cars from Lambton Quay. We need local government to work in with small businesses and be more supportive. My decision to not renew my tenancy lease for my 33-year-old business was an extremely difficult one to make, but the result of numerous factors and concern over the future of Wellington’s business district. I’m currently looking for new premises, and it will be in a location with a more supportive council.

John Swan

Party Politics has no relevance to the governance of Wellington City. I was born in Wellington and have practised law here for over 50 years. In that time, I have been actively engaged in ensuring that our city was a great place to live and do business. I have been a Board Member and President of the Wellington Regional Chamber of Commerce and was a director of the Employment and Manufacturers’ Association (EMA) Central prior to the merger of these two business organisations. The link between the WCC and business no longer exists. I am appalled at the direction that the Mayor and the majority of current Councillors have chosen for the City. The City is insolvent, demolition of key assets continues unabated, infrastructure is repaired rather than replaced, fiscal management is inept. Consultation is insincere and Council employees behave dictatorially. The financial status of the Council and the costing of projects presently being undertaken and planned must be made available for the scrutiny of ratepayers and renters in the City. We must unite to save the City. Better Wellington is best equipped to ensure that a Mayor and Councillors are selected and elected with the survival of Wellington being their prime objective.

Gary Moller

I’m highly supportive of the goals and ambitions of the Better Wellington group. We need to take party politics away from the council table, remove ideology and replace it with sound financial management. There is a huge dissatisfaction with how our city is being run, with the huge rates increases that people are facing and many other things, including cycle ways. I live in Brooklyn and run a natural health practice, focusing on addressing the root causes of ill health or poor sports performance through healthy, natural, and sustainable therapies. My views on cycling are well-known. I’ve won multiple victories in the Mountain Bike (MTB) Masters World Championships, MTB Marathon World Championship titles, Cyclocross Masters 70+ World Championships, and have a decade-long winning streak in the New Zealand Masters 60+ Cyclocross Championships. My article critiquing the current cycle way policy can be read here.

Karen Tonks

As a born and bred passionate Wellingtonian, it pains me to see what has happened to our once dynamic and vibrant city. When former PM John Key said, ‘Wellington is dead’ we were collectively shocked. But he nailed it. Today Wellington a shabby, dilapidated, unloved and dangerous warzone. Road cones, red zoned buildings, road cones, cycle lane insanity, road cones, parks disappearing before our eyes and iconic businesses closing down because these measures and ‘road cones’ have ruined their business. What can we do? We need councillors who will answer to the people first, not to their party. I was a creative at Saatchi & Saatchi when Absolutely Positively Wellington was Wellington’s shining light, and before that I won The Telephone Book Cover design celebrating this humming city of ours. I know what makes our city tick, and I believe we can do it again. It’s time for a Better Wellington.

Vlad Barbalich, Brooklyn Yvette Tufuga, Brooklyn Eyal Aharoni, Wellington
Clem Griffiths, Wadestown Jeremy Smith, Kelburn Rex Nicholls, Oriental Bay
Peter Shirtcliffe, Kelburn Andrea Compton, Wellington Paula Muollo, Te Aro
Gino & Caterina Cuccurullo, Wellington Jono Cox, Johnsonville Jose Ubiago, Te Aro
Kevin Melville, Te Aro Tony Bates, Paparangi Barrie Saunders, Te Aro
Daniel Brown, Te Aro Primo Tapia, Churton Park Prem Singh, Broadmeadows
Phillip Yee, Hataitai Mark Whitecliffe, Wadestown Kelly Patel, Ngaio
Digby Paape, Wellington Sande Chin, Wellington Josephine Muollo, Island Bay
Sandra Edlin, Miramar Shaun Linehan, Seatoun Jan Meyer, Khandallah
Jeremy Verity, Wadestown Jan Maddock, Houghton Bay Desna Bruce Walker, West Coast
David Wilcock, Newtown Keith Molloy, Wadestown Clark Caldow, Vogeltown
Adele Duell, Whitby Milan Lazarevic, Mt Victoria Edwin Bruce, Wellington
Belinda Hodson, Tawa A H, Roseneath Michael Hutchinson, Johnsonville
Sarah Gilbertson, Northland Janet Weir, Melrose Glen Irain, Wellington
Jason Canovas, Houghton Bay Rob Gouldon, Miramar Gwyn Morphew, Roseneath
Judith Gray, Tawa Gavin & Simone Browne, Ngaio Quan Vu, Karori
Maureen Lucic, Pāuatahanui Peter Kerr, Northland Mark Grantham, Newlands
Tania Beazley, Upper Hutt Sal Anderson, Crofton Downs Virginia Moynan, Khandallah
Martin Taylor, Strathmore James Diamantis, Kilbirnie Glenys Charles, Aro Valley
Lindsay Meehan, Kaiwharawhara Phillip Martin, Island Bay Ash McLaren, Tawa
Simon & Penny Marshall, Khandallah Alex Hills, Island Bay Toan Le, Wellington
David Lee, Mt Victoria Jason Browne, Pukerua Bay Xu Li, Khandallah
Ann Elborn, Northland Linda Willows, Tawa Sadeara Seng, Miramar
Bruce Hagar, Kelburn Sarah West, Miramar Pita Noanoa, Wellington
Mark Coffey, Newtown Peter Bartley, Miramar Jennifer Taylor, Thorndon
Susan Wilson, Newlands Marie Heffernan, Strathmore Peter Brown, Karori
Linda Reid, Avalon Irene van de Coolwijk, Paremata Kirsten Saunders, Khandallah
Rhonda Fitzpatrick, Johnsonville David Phipps, Brooklyn Kajal Parbhu, Highbury
Nathan Meyer, Miramar Joan Lo, Karori Stewart Watson, Tawa
Russell Freeman, Crofton Downs Richard Henderson, Johnsonville Tom Brodie, Te Aro
Sophia George, Wellington Martin Phillips, Wainuiomata Zara Struthers, Churton Park
Jim Rose, Miramar Amit Nijhawan, Karori Peter Kosena, Berhampore
Tom Cranney, Woodridge Dermot Murphy, Whitby Peter Johnston, Kaiwharawhara
Peter McKeefry, Mt Victoria Miguel Tanongon, Wellington City Kayleigh Morris, Miramar
Aaron Livingston, Porirua Matt Thomas, Nelson Gina Tapia, Churton Park
Haydn James, Paraparaumu John McSherry, Johnsonville Joanne Oliver, Wadestown
Keri Kent, Lyall Bay Tony Thomas, Oriental Bay Thurl Gibbs, Island Bay
Jordan Kelly, Masterton Margaret Clark, Ngaio Steve Wallace, Karori
Amanda H, Ngaio Ernie Rosenthal, Tawa Pradeep Magan, Houghton Bay
Alice Harper, Kingston Thamilsalvam Ramasamy, Ngaio Michelle R, Strathmore Park
Sharon Barnden, Wellington Eva Karam, Island Bay Miles Seddon, Kaiwharawhara
Vicki Matias, Oriental Bay Puvanesvari Ramasamy, Ngaio Bridie Karl-Marschall, Khandallah
Suzanne Heyworth, Ngaio Karin Elizabeth-Mae Bolton, Island Bay Vivek Singh
Roger Perkins, Karori Ross Madgwick, Hataitai Stephen Seddon, Brooklyn
Theo Kuper, Karori Elliot Chapman, Karori Nicola Richards, Tawa
Tracy Paddock, Lower Hutt Jag Morar, Kingston Grant Richards, Tawa
Sean Fitzgibbon, Island Bay Julie Norris, Wellington Michael Munro, Thorndon
Dean Hamer, Newlands Franco Natoli, Island Bay Jill Everitt, Khandallah
Sue Wilton, Ngaio Maria Buchanan, Island Bay Peter Wild, Tawa
Rob Howe, Miramar Svetlana Hamer, Newlands Brett Alexander, Island Bay
Martin Hemi, Wellington Allan Carino, Tawa Ari Toufexis, Tawa
Kevin Wayman, Hataitai Lloyd Stevenson, Johnsonville Paul Grover, Oriental Bay
Jack McConchie, Karori David Colls, Wellington Michael Baird, Kelburn
Rahul Joshi, Kingston Pauline Johnston, Southgate David Marshall
Andrew Hemphill, Khandallah Mike Young, Mt Victoria Roderick Hoy, Karori
David Davenport-Brown, Newlands Jonathan Leach, Wellington Sean Brunner, Karori
Tim Hawley, Karori Boo Birdsall, Houghton Bay Adrian Welham, Khandallah
Linda Brown, Wellington Soula Barbarouses, Maupuia Bob Hall, Broadmeadows
Philip Yiasoumi, Wellington Michelle McGuire, Seatoun Heights Diane Nankivell, Kilbirnie
Alan Hollows, Johnsonville Bruce Johnston, Te Aro Peter Mattiassi, Ngaio
Rev.Chris Barnes, Miramar Julie Wilson, Melrose Peter Maheridis, Southgate
Etienne Mouton, Karori Murray Pownall, Lyall Bay Chee Ken Chen, Churton Park
Debra Halton, Miramar Geoff Morphew, Roseneath Dimitrios Vassiliadis
Antonios Houtas, Strathmore Richard Williams Andrea O’Connor, Kelburn
Maria Pierson, Seatoun Angela Bland, Kilbirnie Ivo Tisch, Ngaio
Malcolm Whyte, Kelburn Philip Shackleton, Karaka Bay Fiona Cziraki, Karori
Vicky Pan, Wellington Colin Wood, Miramar Leila Malthus, Southgate
Des O’Sullivan, Tawa Barbara Nishizawa Adam Flynn, Tawa
Allistar Rose, Wellington Sepp Hribar Mike Kelly, Te Aro
Ailsa de Silva, Kelburn Carolyn Hull, Paparangi Kiwi Osborne
Angel Hsu, Melrose Greg Hamilton, Lambton Dilip Patel, Miramar
Sara Matson, Maupuia Julie Ferguson, Lyall Bay Colin Carr, Mt Victoria
Anastasios Barbarouses, Maupuia Denise Ferguson, Northland Lagi Kosena, Berhampore
Dale Sharp, Seatoun Rachel Robbins, Khandallah Sharron Hagen, Karori
David Shaw, Miramar Jill Crew, Seatoun Heights Nigel Snow, Karori
Shahanaz Begum, Wellington Maddie Bargh, Khandallah Grant Fairhurst
P Martin, Island Bay Janine Harding, Island Bay Colleen Cunneen, Khandallah
Keith Allen, Wellington Rob Whelan, Island Bay Barry Insull, Island Bay
Sean Brunner, Karori Rankin Young, Broadmeadows Lisa Kong, Ngaio
Rosina Lang, Karori Todd Smith, Newlands Jiang Liu, Khandallah
John Gerondis, Seatoun Kevin Pearman Louise Bray-Burns, Tawa
Ferial Fawzi Abdul-Hameed, Miramar Graeme Burt Derry Tan, Ngaio
Mihail Horvat, Wellington Karl Povey, Miramar Gordon Allen, Kilbirnie
Jetesh Bhula, Miramar Stanley Lopez, Tawa Gillian Frame, Tawa
Steve Fejos, Northland Petrus Liu, Johnsonville Deborah Stace, Karori
Marina Collott, Khandallah Nena Gooding, Khandallah Des Armstrong, Island Bay
Phil Love, Miramar Rachael James Tony Sutcliffe, Strathmore
Dave Gollan, Brooklyn Anna Serci-Taylor, Miramar Carol Morris, Churton Park
Jacquie Guerin Manjula Patel, Miramar Pete & Juliette, Karori
Nehal Patel, Rongotai Matt Bahho, Khandallah Janet Taylor, Khandallah
Laurence Alexander, Te Aro Edward Klimenko, Broadmeadows Kevin Spray
Lorraine Freeman, Khandallah John Newson, Strathmore Julian Zawada
Ben Rainey Shane Joyce, Mt Victoria Richard Yee
Harish Patel, Strathmore John Fuller Matt Neilson, Kilbirnie
Phil Quinn, Khandallah Tim Choi, Khandallah Sabiha Janin, Churton Park
Shona Grenfell Young, Rongotai Esther Albon, Aro Valley Celia Fairfax-Darrall, Karori
Anthony Labone, Hataitai Konstanze Artmann Leteisha Robert, Thorndon
Paul Gilmore, Kaiwharawhara Mohammed Faizal, Miramar Jyoti Sharma
Greg Smith Tony Rogers Brenda O’Leary, Karori
Lorna Webb, Churton Park Neil Rodgers, Churton Park Jono Studholme, Karori
Rhys Barlow, Thorndon Hamish Whiteman, Tawa Stephen Hockly, Upper Hutt
Frank Newman, Mornington Jennie Zawada Lindsay Lorden, Ngaio
Louise Ferguson Murray Browne, Miramar Jane Young, Hataitai
Mohan Bhai, Island Bay Nathan Jelley, Tawa Nilanga Paranagama
Michael Duff Daysh James Collins, Churton Park Phil Bickerton, Churton Park
Maurice Flitter, Melrose Dave Smith, Tawa Daniel Sayle, Southgate
Christos Harvey Jennifer Evans, Karori David Taylor
Francisco III Novilla, Newlands Neha Chandra Fiona Hocking, Upper Hutt
Phil Beaumont, Te Aro Ursula Egan, Karori John Nixon, Kingston
Angus Taylor, Wadestown Richard Martin, Oriental Bay Clyde Brown, Ohariu
David Powell, Karori Angela Findlayson, Mt Victoria Richard Tait, Berhampore
Helen Dobson, Mt Victoria Laurie & Maureen Bond, Ngaio Denis Healey, Paparangi
Libby Carson, Kaiwharawhara Philip Banks, Island Bay Mark Pierson, Seatoun
Sokunthea Pheab Jane Byrne, Island Bay Joy Baker, Island Bay
Tracy Hall, Island Bay Wendy Gledstone, Miramar Mark Geusebroek, Seatoun
Lily Jiang, Tawa Neil Bartlett, Mt Cook Daniel Hughes, Tawa
Joost van Amelsfort Matt C, Hataitai Andrew Marsh, Petone
Gary Lee, Wellington Brenda O’Leary, Karori Kate Arnold, Eastbourne
Scott Barker, Seatoun Matt Carr, Te Aro Melanie Allen, Kilbirnie
Nicola Tait, Khandallah Andrea Sarney, Karori Derek Thunders, Aro Valley
Mark Kisby, Brooklyn Alison T, Mount Cook Jimmy Yiw, Newtown
Raymond Morgan, Breaker Bay Tony Liu, Khandallah Tee Phee, Te Aro
Denis Lander, Khandallah David McNeill, Johnsonville Phil Kitchen, Crofton Downs
Dean Robb, Petone Blair Malcolm, Lower Hutt Peter Woods
Randall Burt, Brooklyn Margaret Burt, Brooklyn Tania Sullivan, Newtown
Eileen Tang, Roseneath Claire Farrelly, Island Bay Mike Underhill, Wellington
Sarah Wal, Te Aro Steve Naismith, Brooklyn Bernard O’Shaughnessy, Miramar
David Quinn, Wadestown Vongpa Dy, Lower Hutt Jacob Hattersley, Wellington
Heather Mordaunt, Wellington Lew Horne, Miramar Rosie White, Island Bay
Paul Williamson, Oriental Bay Philip Robinson, Wellington Alex Gray, Brooklyn
Tracy Burke, Miramar Tony Vial, Wadestown Graham Stephen, Karori
Ashwin Magan, Kaiwharawhara Hira Govind, Lower Hutt Rina Valentina Robinson
Lyn Eden, Mt Victoria John Joseph, Tawa Neil Harrop, Thorndon
Karen Kyrke-Smith, Feilding Hans Wagemaker, Newlands Margaret Vial, Wadestown
Brian Phillips, Wellington Alison Abels, Island Bay Malcolm Vaughan, Mt Victoria
Gail Rawlinson, Karori Janine Hyde, Island Bay Lesley Cooper, Crofton Downs
Wayne Booth, Island Bay Michael Hoy, Berhampore Lesley Maxwell, Wilton
Amanda Burke, Strathmore Lynne Mulder-Wood, Lyall Bay Murray Barber, Karori
Jenny Sims, Khandallah Kevin Rodrigues, Wellington Mary-Lou Forrest, Tawa
Carla Wild, Karori Jenny Sims, Khandallah George Mihos, Miramar
Gina Sarten, Wadestown Jenny Bean, Churton Park Francesca De Gregorio, Island Bay
John Rampton, Makara Nicola Tait, Khandallah Laurian Godwin-George, Kilbirnie
Joy Baker, Island Bay James McIntyre, Karori Kevin Rodrigues, Wellington
Megan Mckee, Mt Victoria Pritpal Singh, Karori Louisa McIntyre, Karori
Gaynor O’Sullivan, Wellington Andy Withington, Karori Helen Dobson, Mt Victoria
Gordon Barrell, Mornington Selena Hunter, Strathmore Terene Batten, Lower Hutt
Tim Taylor, Ohariu Trish Perrins, Lowry Bay John Thomassen, Island Bay
Kevin Bull, Oriental Bay Jaimin Gajjar, Berhampore Cim Lang, Island Bay
Patrick Jackson, Newtown Dave Beckett, Island Bay Rusty Millar, Seatoun
Andrew Simes, Brooklyn Deborah Quinn, Tawa Margriet Willemsen, Te Aro
Ian Caldeiro, Wellington Susan Hagan, Wellington David Levick, Roseneath
Andrew Cunliffe, Khandallah Nagaraj Krishna, Karori Ken McLaren, Churton Park
Brian Kennedy, Broadmeadows Ruth Roth, Island Bay Trinh Le, Johnsonville
Greg Henderson, Wellington Bruce Welsh, Kilbirnie Donald McLaren Smith, Wellington
Marianna Churchward, Hataitai Sheree Tufuga, Palmerson North Martin Whitlow, Wellington
Ken McFadyen, Crofton Downs Helen Jurie, Kelburn Jenny Egle, Seatoun
Robin Archibald, Thorndon Grant Stephen, Johnsonville Mary-Lou Forrest, Tawa
NB Walker, Johnsonville Miranda Squire, Miramar Shirley Milward, Wellington
Alastair Hutchens, Karori Bruce Nicoll, Island Bay Ian Kennedy, Khandallah
Julie Armstrong, Wadestown Jennifer Vicars, Roseneath Graeme McKeown, Porirua
Lorraine Whyte, Whitby Martin Broad, Thorndon Tina Landl, Taupo
James Hu, Karori Ben O’Brien, Hataitai John McCarthy, Miramar
Gek McGregor, Wellington Carol Shaw, Wellington Jo Irain, Khandallah
Michelle Chandler, Karori Roland Shelton Agar, Thorndon Marcia Jackson, Northland
Matt Watson, Northland Kevin Stacey, Tawa Catherine Watson, Northland
Toni Yiasoumi, Hataitai Waimarie Marks, Khandallah Merlene Chambers, Kelburn
Richard Zdrahal, Makara Belinda Paske, Johnsonville Mike Penfold, Mornington
Sarah Pooley, Island Bay Richard Adgo, Johnsonville Sam Wadham, Strathmore
Jacqueline Pilkington, Khandallah Andrew Yavasis, Wellington Damond Gundesen, Island Bay
Don MacKay, Oriental Bay Scott Mcartney, Brooklyn Shelley Johnson, Te Aro
Michael Fox, Khandallah Matthew Horn, Newlands Kirsten Michael, Mt Victoria
Melissa Quarrie, Carterton