Support Our Work
Our city has lost its mojo – We are on a mission to return Wellington to being the “Best Little Capital in the World”!
Your financial support will help our mission and ensure our message reaches Wellington residents without us having to rely on the local media.
Donating is simple – just complete the online form. If your donation is in excess of $1000, please consider donating directly into our bank account. This allows all of your donation to go directly to Better Wellington, rather than to our payment processor.
We are grateful for your assistance and appreciate whatever you can give, no matter how big or small.
Our bank details are: Better Wellington, Kiwibank Lambton Quay, 38-9025-0872447-00. Please put your name in the Particulars, and your email in the code/reference section. Also, email us at team@betterwellington.org.nz to let us know and we can keep a look out for it.
Our team promises to work hard to hold our council to account, remove those who are more loyal to their political party than to Wellington, and advocate for councillors who adhere to the values we ascribe to.